产品标题:CC-PDOB01,Digital Output 24V Bussed Out 32 Module数字输出卡

型号: CC-PDOB01



即使配置了默认值,使用SVC_REQ 24重置模块也会导致所有通道保持***状态。应用程序在执行Service Request之前处理输出默认值。? 如果电源的背板电源丢失,则忽略默认斜坡速率配置。为“默认值”配置的通道立即变为默认值。? 背板电源恢复后***存储配置时,不使用默认斜坡速率。为“默认值”配置的任何通道都会立即变为其默认值。如果模拟电源未丢失,并且在下一次通电时恢复了相同的配置,则信道状态自断电时起保持不变。默认斜坡速率用于任何后续重新配置。


Resetting the module using SVC_REQ 24 causes all channels to Hold Last State even if Default Value is configured. The application program must handle output defaulting before execution of the Service Request. ? Default Ramp Rate configuration is ignored if backplane power from the power supply is lost. Channels configured for Default Value go to the default value immediately. ? The first time a configuration is stored following a return of backplane power, the Default Ramp rate is not used. Any channel configured for Default Value goes to its default value immediately. If analog power was not lost and the same configuration is restored0n the next powerup, the channel state is unchanged from the time the power was lost. The Default Ramp Rate is used for any subsequent reconfiguration.



330180-90-00 330180-51-00 330130-040-01-05
330130-045-00-00 330232-05-05-12-05 330104-10-20-10-02-05
330703-000-040-10-02-00 330104-00-04-05-02-00 330103-00-04-05-02-00
330196-05-30-10-CN 330101-00-12-10-01-CN 330195-02-12-05-CN
330105-02-12-10-02-00 330104-00-09-05-02-00 330101-00-28-05-02-00
22810-00-14-10-02 22811-00-04-10-02 330104-00-10-10-02-05
330103-00-10-10-02-00 330103-00-07-10-02-00 330104-00-06-10-02-CN
330104-00-08-10-02-00 330930-045-01-00 330930-045-01-00
3500/42M 140734-02 3500/40M 176449-01 3500/53M 286566-01
3500/22M 288055-01 3500/40M 176449-01 3500/64M 176449-05
190214-01 125720-02 129478-01



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