① 技术开发起步早,并具有相当大的产业化规模。

② 能够提供特大功率的变频器,已10000KW。
③ 变频调速产品的技术标准比较完备。
④ 与变频器相关的配套产业及行业初具规模。
⑤ 能够生产变频器中的功率器件,如IGBT、IGCT、SGCT等。
⑥ 高压变频器在各个行业中被广泛应用,并取得了显著的经济效益。
⑦ 产品化,当地化加剧。
⑧ 新技术,新工艺层出不穷,并被大量的、快速的应用于产品中。
① 高压变频器将朝着大功率,小型化,轻型化的方向发展。
② 高压变频器将向着直接器件高压和多重叠加(器件串联和单元串联)两个方向发展。
③ 更高电压、更大电流的新型电力半导体器件将应用在高压变频器中。
④ 现阶段,IGBT、IGCT、SGCT仍将扮演着主要的角色,SCR、GTO将会退出变频器市场。
⑥ 全面实现数字化和自动化:参数自设定技术;过程自优化技术;故障自诊断技术。
⑦ 应用32位MCU、DSP及ASIC等器件,实现变频器的高精度,多功能。
⑧ 相关配套行业正朝着化,规模化发展,社会分工将更加明显。随着技术研究的进一步深入,在理论上和功能上国产高压变频器已经可以与进口变频器相比肩,但是受工艺技术的限制,与进口产品的差距还是比较明显。这些状况主要表现在如下几个方面:
① 国外各大的产品正加紧占领国内市场,并加快了本地化的步伐。
② 具有研发能力和产业化规模的逐年增加。
③ 国产高压变频器的功率也越做越大,目前国内的应用做到了20000KW。
④ 国内高压变频器的技术标准还有待规范。
⑤ 与高压变频器相配套的产业很不发达。
⑥ 生产工艺一般,可以满足变频器产品的技术要求,价格相对低廉。
⑦ 变频器中使用的功率半导体关键器件完全依赖进口,而且相当长时间内还会依赖进口。
⑧ 与发达国家的技术差距在缩小,具有自主知识产权的产品正应用在国民经济中。
⑨ 已经研制出具有瞬时掉电再恢复、故障再恢复等功能的变频器。
⑩ 部分厂家已经开发出四象限运行的高压变频器。随着现代电力电子技术及计算机控制技术的迅速发展,促进了电气传动的技术革命。交流调速取代直流调速,计算机数字控制取代模拟控制已成为发展趋势。交流电机变频调速是当今节约电能,改善生产工艺流程,提高产量,以及改善运行环境的一种主要手段。变频调速以其率,高功率因数,以及的调速和启制动性能等诸多优点而被国内外为有发展前途的调速方式。
• 将 ACS 800、电机和相连设备正确接地,以便在任何情况下都能确保工作人员 的安全,并减少电磁辐射和干扰。
• 确信接地导线的截面积足够大,以满足安全规范的要求。
• 多台 ACS 800 的接地端子不能串联连接。
• 在符合欧洲 CE 标准和其它一些必须要减少 EMC 辐射的安装地点,电缆入口应 保持 360 度高频接地,以抑制电磁干扰。此外,电缆屏蔽层必须与保护接地线 (PE) 相连接,以符合安全规范。 • 在浮地或高接地电阻 (>30Ohms)的电力系统中 , 不要安装带有 EMC 滤波器 (可选件为 +E202 或 +E200 ) 的变频器。
• 禁止带电安装或维修传动单元、电机电缆或电机。在切断输入电源之后,应至 少等待 5 分钟,待中间电路电容放电完毕后再进行操作。 还应使用万用表 (阻抗至少为 1 兆欧)测量以确定 1. 传动输入相 U1,V1,W1 与柜架间的电压接近 0V. 2. 端子 UDC+ 和 UDC- 与柜架间的电压接近 0V.
• 禁止在传动单元或外部控制电路带电时操作控制电缆。即使 ACS 800 主电源断 电,其内部仍可能存在由外部控制电路引入的危险电压。
• 所有的绝缘测试必须在断开电缆连接的情况下进行。
• 重新连接电机电缆时 , 应确保相序正确。注意 :
• 不管电机是否运行,只要 ACS 800 传动的输入电源接通,电机电缆端子都会存 在危险的高电压。
• 制动控制端子 (UDC+, UDC-, R+ 和 R- 端子 ) 带有危险直流高电压 ( 大于 500 V)。
• 继电器输出端子 RO1 ~ RO3 在接通 115 V 或 220 V (230 V) 电压时,带有危险 高电压。此款CPU型号PM3328B-6-1-3-E用作控制器、I/O系统和专用模块,旨在满足灵活的工业解决方案的需求。除此之外,它还配备32KB的用户内存、4K I/O、8个机架和0.22msec/K的逻辑执行。它与以太网、各种总线模块和控制等模块兼容。该模块采用单一整体结构设计,非常适合数千种应用,如复杂的运动控制、采矿、水处理、电梯控制、高速包装、注塑、材料处理、食品加工、连续排放监测等。通过只配置所需的系统,可以节省关键空间并降低成本。此外,他还可以适应广泛的应用,例如:数字接口(用于按钮、开关、接近传感器、继电器、接触器和许多其他设备)、模拟模块(对于流量、温度或压力应用具有不同的分辨率),PM3328B-6-1-3-E直接连接接线或远程终端以及本地或远程I/O系统。
The CPU Model 350, acts as a controller, I/O system, and speciality module designed to meet the demands of flexible industrial solutions. Among other things, it comes with 32Kbytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks and a logic execution of 0.22msec/K. It is compatible with advanced modules such as Ethernet, various bus modules, and control. Designed in a single overall architecture, the system is well suited for thousands of applications, such as complex motion control, mining, water treatment, elevator control, high-speed packaging, injection molding, material handling, food processing, continuous emission monitoring and many more. By configuring just the system you need, you save critical space and reduce cost. Furthermore, IC693CPU350 can also be adapted to a wide range of applications such as: digital interfaces (for push buttons, switches, proximity sensors, relays, contactors and many other devices), analog modules (with varying degrees of resolution for flow, temperature or pressure applications), direct connect wiring or remote termination and local or remote I/O systems.1.冗余热备控制系统的功能 Schneider PLC冗余热备控制系统具有以下功能: ① 应用程序内存空间 ② 系统寄

存器 ③ 功能块 ④ 配置 ⑤ 前面板上的微型端子 ⑥ 应用数据的周期性传送 ⑦ 程序差异监控 ⑧ 确保PLC内存

内容的一致性 ⑨ 通信端口地址的自动交换 ⑩ 通信期间的自动交换机制

2.冗余热备控制系统的特点 Schneider PLC冗余热备控制系统具有以下特点: ① 采用的同步机制; ② 系统

Some manufacturers of integrated gate commutated thyristor IGCT (integrated gate commutated thyristor) are also called GCT (gate commutated thyristor), that is, gate commutated thyristor, which is a new power electronic device emerging in the late 1990s.

The integrated gate commutated thyristor IGCT combines the advantages of IGBT and GTO. Its capacity is equivalent to that of GTO, but its switching speed is 10 times faster than that of GTO. Moreover, it can eliminate the huge and complex buffer circuit of GTO application, but the driving power required is still large. At present, IGCT is in fierce competition with IGBT and other new devices, trying to eventually replace GTO in high-power applications. The industry believes that the high proportion of power electronic devices is0ne of the two characteristics of the new power system. For example, the internationally leading flexible DC transmission technology in the fields of new energy grid connection, offshore wind power transmission and UHV combines advanced technologies in power electronics, power system, communication principles and so0n. Modular multilevel converter, DC circuit breaker and DC transformer based0n power electronic technology are the key equipment to build DC power grid. Large capacity semiconductor devices are the core components of these key equipment. Low cost, low loss and high reliability of large capacity semiconductor devices are very important to improve the economy and safety of DC power grid equipment. Among high-power power electronic devices, IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) is mainly used at present, while IGCT (integrated gate to gate commutated thyristor) is a more potential semiconductor device. The market is mainly occupied by foreign enterprises such as abb in Switzerland, Infineon in Germany, Ge in the United States, and there is a wide space for domestic substitution.

Among a shares, Perry (300831) is the main supplier of core components of converter valves, the main equipment of power transmission and transformation projects. The company actively promotes the research and development of new power electronic devices such as IGCT, and has formed a series of products through technical research; Times electric (688187) is the third enterprise in the world with the ability to independently produce IGCT, and it is also the0nly enterprise in China that has mastered the full set of technologies of thyristor, IGCT, IGBT and power components at the same time. The IGCT produced by it has been widely used in the field of rail transit, and it is carrying out IGCT application with domestic fan manufacturers. If you want to achieve better results, you still need to use tension sensors, Or use the air cylinder swing rod to track the midpoint of the position loop, so as to make integrated adjustment by synchronizing with the host. When it is necessary to speed up, directly adjust the given speed of the host, so that the winding speed can be synchronized automatically.

Now the technology of frequency converter is relatively mature. Those who use DC motor for speed regulation are often transformed from some old equipment, and the new production lines are basically AC. If the speed alone cannot be adjusted, the current setting value of A6 port of 590 can0nly be set higher. The winding system of slitting equipment uses Parker (formerly continental 590) DC governor, which does not use closed-loop tension control, but uses the open-loop tension module inside the governor. The essential control is to control the current. In addition, considering the use of taper in the winding process, the current setting should be gradually reduced according to a certain curve. Thyristor IGCT is a new type of power electronic device, It integrates the GCT chip and its gate driver in a low inductance way, integrates the advantages of the stable turning off ability of the transistor and the low0n state loss of the thyristor. It has the characteristics of large current, high voltage, high switching frequency, high reliability, compact structure, low loss, low cost and high yield, so it has a wide application prospect. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct in-depth application research0n IGCT devices and design a set of equipment that can test IGCT devices with high voltage and high current. Starting from IGCT devices, this paper introduces the structure, working principle, key technology of IGCT devices, and the ratio of IGCT to GTO and IGBT

The characteristic parameters of IGCT and the principle of gate drive circuit are compared. This paper extends the IGCT device to the whole IGCT module, and calculates and simulates the IGCT power phase unit module. The circuit principle of IGCT phase unit module is described as a whole. The influence of the clamping protection circuit in the phase unit module0n the opening and closing process of the device is analyzed by simulation and calculation. The influence of stray inductance in phase unit circuit0n device off overvoltage is analyzed, and the method of reducing stray inductance is proposed. This paper expounds the influence of anti parallel diode0n IGCT devices, and puts forward that the reverse recovery characteristics of diode have a great influence0n the turn-off overvoltage of IGCT. Based0n the analysis of IGCT power phase unit module, we designed a set of IGCT power phase unit test platform. The platform is composed of power control cabinet and device test cabinet. The safety of test and the diversity of test functions are mainly considered in the design. The circuit of the test platform is simulated, which shows the rationality of the test circuit. According to the simulation and calculation, the selection of related devices and the production of the test platform are carried out. Finally, some preliminary pulse tests of IGCT phase units are carried out0n the test experimental platform, and some test results are selected to analyze the measured waveform. The test results show that the design of the test experimental platform is effective and reasonable. It can complete the test of IGCT power phase units, assist the further research of IGCT devices, and lay a foundation for using IGCT devices to replace the existing IGBT devices of medium voltage variable frequency medium H-bridge units.

An ideal power device should have the following ideal static and dynamic characteristics: in the cut-off state, it can withstand high voltage; In the0n state, it can withstand high current and has a very low voltage drop; When switching, it has fast opening / closing speed, can withstand high di/dt and dv/dt, and should also have full control function.

Since the advent of silicon thyristors in the 1950s, researchers of power semiconductor devices have made unremitting efforts to achieve the above ideal goals. In the late 1960s, the turnoff thyristor GTO realized the turnoff function of the gate and expanded the chopper working frequency to more than 1kHz. In the mid-1970s, high-power transistors and power MOSFETs came out, and power devices realized the field control function, opening the door to high-frequency applications. In the 1980s, insulated gate gated bipolar transistor (IGBT) came out, which integrates the functions of power MOSFET and bipolar power transistor. Its rapid development has also inspired people to pay attention to the new power generator Honggou track, which integrates the functions of power MOSFET and thyristor. With the iconic Manhattan skyline as the background, it surrounds the Brooklyn cruise terminal under the gaze of the goddess of liberty, and has become an excellent place to show the charm of land and sea electric communication. With a total length of 2.32 kilometers and 14 corners, the track has many challenges, such as high-speed curves, straights and hairpin curves. 22 drivers competed in this race to compete. Following the New York race, the 13th and 14th rounds of the eighth season of ABB electric formula Championship will be transferred to the London track0n July 30 and 31. ABB has deployed its electric transportation business in many important markets around the world and supported the expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. At present, more than 680000 DC and AC charging piles have been installed in more than 85 countries and regions around the world to support green transportation with innovative solutions. ABB's decarbonization road also extends from land to sea, accelerating the electrification, automation and shore power connection of ships, and supporting the efficient and zero emission operation of the shipping industry.

As the naming partner of ABB FIA electric formula world championship, abb not0nly supports its global events, but also works together to break gender barriers and support women's development. Before the race, abb released the latest video of the 'driving force' series - 'girls0n track'. Daniela Lu, head of ABB electric equation cooperation project ž Anin and Hannah brown, the director of electric equation, discussed the impact and significance of the project in the video, and shared the original intention and vision of ABB's cooperation with electric equation to support the project. Motorsport combines the dual elements of sports and technology. Only by combining superb driving skills with rich engineering and technical experience can drivers gallop0n the track. With the help of the highlight platform of racing cars, the 'girls0n the track' project encourages more young women to approach exciting racing sports, understand the complete ecosystem inside and outside the track, and then join the stem (Science, technology, engineering, Mathematics) field to explore a broader development space in the future. ABB opened a new global innovation and training park for mechanical automation in bekale, Austria, which is0ne of the largest integrated production, R & D and training bases in Central Europe.

The new park is ABB's global R & D Center for machinery and factory automation, artificial intelligence and software solutions. The global innovation center has significantly expanded its links with machinery manufacturers, manufacturers, start-ups, research and education institutions.

ABB has opened a new global innovation and training park at its headquarters in bekale (its global machinery and factory automation center) in eggelsberg, Austria. The new park will create up to 1000 additional high-tech jobs, including world-class R & D laboratories and global training facilities that can provide training for up to 4000 people per year in cooperation with universities. ABB invested 100million euros to expand its headquarters in bekale. The innovation of the Park focuses0n artificial intelligence, machinery and factory automation, and will play an important role in releasing the potential of future industrial production - in the fields of electronics, electric transportation, food and beverage, environmental protection, logistics, agriculture and so0n. They will improve productivity and flexibility, help customers become more sustainable, and bring production closer to their end markets. The new park expands the total area of its headquarters to more than 100000 square meters, making it0ne of the largest integrated production, R & D and training bases in Central Europe, with about 2400 employees at present. The expansion will also make room for additional capacity expansion to meet the growing demand for baccalais products. This is a decade of transformation to robotics and automation, because our customers need to cope with global labor and supply shortages, consumers have accelerated their demand for personalized products, and enterprises need more sustainable operations. ABB's new park will serve as a customer collaboration center, where we work with customers around the world to help them cope with these trends and support baccalais to become the preferred partner for the world's most ambitious industrial automation projects.

ABB research shows that in Europe and the United States, 8 out of 10 companies plan to further automate, and 7 out of 10 companies plan to reshape their production. The global potential market size of machinery and factory automation is currently estimated to increase from $20billion per year to $31billion per year by 2030.

ABB acquired baccalais in 2017, becoming the0nly company that can provide industrial automation customers with complete integrated hardware and software solutions around control, drive, robotics, sensor analysis and electrification. ABB innovation and training park will be an open innovation center. Here, baccalais will work closely with international customers, companies, start-ups and research and education institutions from the region to jointly develop automation solutions and cultivate talents needed by future factories.

With the construction of the new park, baccalais also launched a new brand logo, establishing a visual connection between baccalais and abb. 'Our new visual design emphasizes ABB's firm commitment to the sub brand of baccalais, and demonstrates the strength of baccalais and ABB in the process of our joint development and cooperation. We become a member of this larger family, creating many new possibilities for each employee to actively shape their career,' theis said.

As part of its 2030 sustainability strategy, abb expects to be carbon neutral in its own operations over the next decade. In bekale, abb installed0ne of Austria's largest self generating photovoltaic power systems. The additional photovoltaic modules in the park now increase the total power generation to 1.8 MW. The self use rate is about 98%. Begalay was founded by Erwin bernecker and Josef Rainer in 1979 and is headquartered in eggelsberg, Upper Austria. Today, baccalais is the world's leading solution provider in the field of machinery and factory automation. It is also the global ABB mechanical automation department in ABB's robotics and discrete automation business. Overall, ABB's robotics and discrete automation business has more than 11000 employees in more than 100 locations in more than 53 countries.

ABB has been operating in Austria for more than 110 years and has a proud history in Austrian industry - from electrification to railways, from supplying power to ski lifts to robots and process automation. In 2017, abb acquired bekale, making it the largest industrial automation supplier in Austria. Pm511v16 3bse01181r1 is a high-performance programmable controller, whose speed, capacity, performance and function have reached a new level. ● CPU, power supply, input and output integration, built-in high-speed processing and positioning functions. Pm511v16 3bse01181r1 input and output can be expanded to 384 points at most. Powerful expansion functions can be realized through function expansion board and special adapter. I/o acquisition module is adopted. The module can be installed near the sensor end and connected with PLC through a group of communication lines, which not0nly saves the cost of wiring, but also saves the i/o points of PLC itself. If the field budget of pm511v16 3bse01181r1 is limited, it is obviously more economical to use i/o acquisition module. Modular structure, providing 14 to 128 point input / output range, and can also add extended special function modules (such as analog input / output). The pm511v16 3bse01181r1 transistor output type has two 100kHz pulse sequences for servo positioning applications.

IRB 260 robot is mainly designed and optimized for packaging applications. Although it is small and can be integrated into compact packaging machinery, it can meet all your requirements in terms of reach distance and payload. With abb motion control and tracking performance, the robot is very suitable for flexible packaging systems.

Strong reliability &mdash& mdash; IRB 260 robot with long normal operation time is designed based0n IRB 2400 (with more than 14000 installed) which is the most widely used industrial robot in the world.

Fast &mdash& mdash; Short operation cycle time the robot is optimized for packaging applications and equipped with ABB's unique motion control function, which greatly shortens the packaging cycle time.

High accuracy &mdash& mdash; The production quality of parts is stable. The robot has extremely high accuracy. Coupled with ABB's excellent conveyor belt tracking performance, its picking and placing accuracy is first-class whether it is in fixed position operation or in motion operation.

Powerful &mdash& mdash; Wide range of application the robot is optimized for packaging applications, with small size, fast speed and a payload of up to 30kg.

Rugged &mdash& mdash; Suitable for harsh production environment, suitable for harsh environment applications, and the protection grade reaches IP 67



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